Tuesday, January 09, 2007

For all of you Rocky Fans out there!

In August of 2006, I walking around the Wal-mart store with some friends of mine, and we were scoping out the cheap DVD section: $5.00 a piece. The movie I decided to take home with me that day was Rocky V. I had heard about Rocky and I am pretty sure that my parents saw a few of the Rocky films as well, so I thought, "Hey! I'll check it out." That night, I popped the DVD into my Dell Computer (easy as Dell, right?) and was thrust into the "Rocky" environment for the first time. Here was Rocky, getting completely destroyed by the Mad Russian Warrior, Ivan Drago. Then, when hope seems to be lost, Rocky lands a punch which cuts the Russian. As the round ends, Duke--Rocky's trainer--begs Rocky to not give up, saying: "This is it! This is your whole life out there! All your strength! All your power!" Boy, that really got me pumped up. And Rocky wins the fight, what do ya know?

Despite some off-color comments and some instances of bad language during the course of the film (thus registering the film with a PG-13 rating), I enjoyed the movie (especially the ending). The ending was real awesome!

I found out later that Rocky V made the least amount of money in theatres (in the USA) out of all the Rocky movies (yes, even Rocky Balboa surpassed the 40 million dollar mark, and has surpassed the $60 million mark as we speak).

After seen the four Rocky movies previous to Rocky V, I then went out to see Rocky Balboa. This was an alright movie. I'd say it was better than Rocky IV and V.

More on Rocky stuff later. The plot will definitely thicken.



Hey, its been a very looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time since last time I blogged here. And I am really glad to do it again. Lots of things have changed. Including the new blog set up at blogspot.com.

And now, being in Computers class and I have the fortunate privilege to continue once again my blog for the next hour.

Thank you Mr. J. You have made my day!
